Our committees are the life of our chapter! Through their hard work, we are able to accomplish great things throughout the year. See the description of each of our committees below and consider joining one!


Garrett A. Morgan Career day activities

Garrett A. Morgan brings students and professionals together to learn and share. The committee reaches out to area schools to develop key learning environments.

Chair: Vanessa Nedrick

Contact: vanessa.nedrick@rve.com

Golf Committee

The committee is under the umbrella of special events and will have a separate committee to coordinate the chapters signature event - the Annual Golf Outing.

Chair: Kim Kennedy

Contact: kkennedy@septa.org

Business development (Legislative Committee)

Engages local, state and regional elected leaders to advocate for policies and programs that advances economic prosperity for all and promotes thriving communities.

Chair: Ty McGilberry

Contact: ty.mcgilberry@pegasusfp.net

Membership Committee

The committee is responsible for welcoming new members via phone calls and membership events, mentoring of the new members, and serving as liaison to the various activities, benefits, and committees of COMTO. Committee will organize membership drives or campaigns, setting up direct mail campaigns and conducting membership surveys. This committee will give updates at membership meetings on the National Membership Committee and potential strategies for recruitment.

Chair: Francis Fattah

Contact: ffattah@septa.org

business development committee

Assist with developing programs to connect businesses with economic growth opportunities. Enables the networking and promotion among regional primes, owners and members throughout the procurement process.

Chair: Marcia Shepherd

Contact: mshepherd@septa.org

The committee maintains the COMTO Philadelphia website, develops additional communication tools (e.g. email updates), integrate different types of media and coordinates with other committees to promote upcoming programs via announcements and website updates, develop and share information about the chapter events and other topics of interest to the local chapter.

Chair: Bill Webster

Contact: bwebster@septa.org


Networking Committee

Organizes programs that creatively address a locally defined need to create, enhance, and restore awareness of the transit industry through informative and educational sessions.

Chair: Cierra Robertson

Contact: cirobertson@septa.org

The committee serves to inform, inspire, and connect the Philadelphia chapter and communities to chapter activities and updates. The committee is responsible for editing and producing the newsletter every quarter, for electronic distribution, and for posting on the website.

Chair: TBD


Scholarship Luncheon  Committee

The committee is charged with planning and hosting one of the Chapter’s Signature Annual Event to recognize and award scholarships to students seeking STEM careers within the Greater Delaware Valley Region.

Chair: Darryl Wade

Contact: wadedarryl@aol.com

The committee is charged with planning, developing budget, formalizing volunteers, develop marketing strategy for Thanksgiving Baskets, Adopt-A-Family, and new emerging activities to give back to communities.

Chairs: Warren Montague

Contact: Warren.Montague@pcaCares.org


The committee solicits applicants starting in January of each year, and then reviews applications, conducts interviews, and recommends recipients for various scholarship awards. The committee is responsible for cultivating scholarship opportunities for middle school, high school, undergraduate and graduate students.

Chair: Mibin Anthony

Scholarship application processing

The committee facilitates support of students, middle school, high school, technical, college, and universities to pursue careers in the transportation industry. Committee will develop a student membership directory and create strategies to engage students to chapter initiatives.

Chair: Mibin Anthony

student membership committee