Since 1981, the COMTO Philadelphia Area Chapter has provided opportunities to connect talent to opportunities, elevate the unique needs of residents to decision-makers, uplift all lived experience in leadership, and offer training to ensure a highly skilled workforce.

COMTO is a nonprofit and nonpartisan association that includes individuals, groups, transportation agencies, private sector corporations, nonprofit organizations, academia and DBE/SBE.

We believe that education is a core foundation for excellence in the transportation industry and any other field of study. The annual golf outing supports the Student Scholarship Program in which we are committed to providing financial support deserving students to help the maximize their educational potential. While we primarily attract S.T.E.M.-focused students, we also offer scholarships and opportunities to business majors, technical trade schools, and others with various transferable skills. In the past 24 years, we have distributed over $1 million in scholarships.